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POSC267 Foundations of Law: Home

POSC267 Foundations of Law

Presentation Guidelines:

Each group must present about the legal system from a selected country.

Each member of the group will research the legal system from one of the following areas:

  • Historical Background
  • Current Perspective
  • Compare to the U.S. System
  • Famous Judge or Legal Case

Information about Countries

Databases with Articles on Law and Politics

The Big Red Box

The Articles, books & more box on the library homepage will search for items that the library owns, and a majority of articles available through the library's databases. You can always ask a librarian for help.

image of the library search box

Military Law

The library of Congress has a Military Law Collection that you may find helpful. 

Use the search box at the top to search using keywords.  Here are some suggestions:

Military Law
Uniform Code of Military Justice
UCMJ Legislative History

Available Books