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Scholarly Publishing Module

This Guide describes the Scholarly Publishing Module, a 10 week program, that is available for student researchers at Fisher

Information for Faculty

This module is suitable for students in all disciplines as it covers universal concepts of literature management, authorship, peer review, and open access. 

Currently this module is being offered to all the student researchers in the Summer Research Fellows Program.  Faculty mentors are also included as participants in the online module so that you can browse the topics, activities, and discussion boards.  Faculty are encouraged to participate in the online discussion boards and to have weekly conversations with their mentee based on the topic of the week. 

If you would like to have your research student(s) participate in this module during the Fall or Spring semesters, please contact Michelle Price, Currently, it is offered as a non-credit, asynchronous online module facilitated by Michelle Price, Librarian. 

Contribute to the Scholarly Publishing Module

There are opportunities to complete short 5-8 minute interviews to be included in the module.

Topics available include:

  • Writing cover letters and adhering to the Instructions for Authors for a journal
  • Open Access
  • Predatory Publishing

Contact Michelle Price, if you are interested.