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Video: Finding Full Text: DOI

Written Directions - Finding Full Text: DOI

The following directions walk you through how to use the Big Red Box on the Library's homepage to search for full text using the DOI (digital object identifier) of an article. These directions are a supplement to the video.

Finding Full Text - DOI

Step 1

Using the Big Red Box, enter the DOI for the article you want to locate and uncheck the blue "Available at Fisher" box. Press enter or select the magnifying class to search.

big red box search with doi entered into search box and Available at Fisher unchecked

Step 2

Look at the results, your article will usually be on e of the first listed. Select the Available Online link to access full text. If no Available Online link is showing, you will see a Request through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) link. Follow this link to place an ILL request.

search results for Framing student engagment in higher education search using DOI, title outlined and Available Online link highlighed

Step 3

Download the full text PDF (when available, sometimes you might only see HTML).

taylor and francis database results for Framing student engagement in higher education article with green PDF button outlined


Save your downloaded PDF to a project folder, on your computer or Google Drive, with a new file name. The PDF will often download with a string of numbers or something else unhelpful. Use a file name that is meaningful, like the article title, so you can more easily find it later.