There are many databases available through Lavery Library that you can use to search for articles.
Keep in mind, depending on your topic, you may need to refer to databases outside of your main field of focus. When this happens, you can find the full list of databases using the Databases A-Z link below.
If you have questions or want help starting your research, contact a librarian to set up a one-on-one consultation.
Start with the basics:
The two Guides listed below are great resources for helping you build your search skills. The first Guide is a basic overview of literature searching and the second Guide is intended to build upon your basic searching skills.
Business topics; contains articles, company and executive profiles.
Search all three of our American Psychological Association (APA) databases at once: PsycINFO, PsycTESTS, and PsycARTICLES. Covers many disciplines related to psychology, including business, education, nursing, pharmacology, and law. Includes journals, psychological tests and surveys, books, student dissertations, conference presentations, and more.
Business topics; journal articles, reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses