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Searching the Literature

About this Guide

This guide will help you do a literature search. Your literature search might culminate in a literature review paper, a capstone research project, or some other class assignment. You can find step-by-step guidance here.

Five steps to searching the literature

Most literature search projects include these five steps:

  1. Select a topic
  2. Search the literature
  3. Evaluate sources
  4. Select sources
  5. Write & cite

You may need to circle back and repeat these steps. That's how research works.

How to use this guide

You can work through this Searching the Literature guide in order, or start at any step:

Ask a Librarian

We're Here to Help

Keep in mind: this guide is just one of the tools you can use to do your literature search. If you run into problems or have questions, you can contact your librarian for help.