Find articles for your research by using library databases and the key terms from the concept map.
Use the 'Find Databases' button on the library's homepage [shown above] to access the A-Z list of databases.
Use the drop-down menu options to filter the databases to specific subjects or, if you know the specific database name, click a letter along the horizontal list to jump to that section of database names [shown above].
The following databases cover all disciplines and can be good starters when researching for articles:
Note: The databases listed above, and many more, can be accessed through Lavery Library's A to Z list of databases:
Wondering which databases might work well for your research topic? -- Ask a librarian! We are here to help; use the link below to see how to contact your Lavery Librarians.
Select a keyword from each row in your concept map [shown above on the left]; enter each into a search box in the database you've selected [shown above on the right].
Perform more than one search in each database, changing keyword combinations as needed.