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Alumni Resources at Lavery Library

Refer to this guide to connect to electronic resources specifically available to Fisher Alumni

Access On-Campus During Library Renovation

While alumni are unable to access library databases from off-campus due to publisher restrictions, you can visit the campus to access the majority of our electronic materials.

If you are an alum looking to use library spaces during our renovation, we recommend calling ahead to determine seating availability, or planning your visit for academic breaks such as intersession. We also recommend other spaces on campus, like the newly renovated Tepas Commons, where you can still access library databases on the guest wi-fi

NOVEL Databases

These databases are accessible from within New York State without using a Fisher login, through a program called NOVELNY.

Read more about NOVELNY

Free/Open-Access Databases

The following free or open-access databases are also accessible to community members and alumni, from on- or off-campus.