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Athletic Performance Resources

Databases, books, and other recommended resources for Athletic Performance

Use the Library to Find Articles

There are over 150 databases available at Lavery Library that you can use to search for articles and sources. This curated list is a starting point for your research in the disciplines covered in Athletic Performance studies. They are a combination of scholarly, popular, and primary sources. 

Subject Databases

You can use these subject-specific databases to access sources of information related to the study of Athletic Performance.

Multidisciplinary Databases and Google Scholar

You can use these to find a variety of information sources, including scholarly and peer-reviewed articles, across many topics.

Newspapers & Magazines

Tutorials and How-Tos

Scholarly Journals in Athletic Performance

Key Journals

More Journals

Video: Find Articles in a Specific Journal

Learn how to find a specific journal through the library's website. You can browse a journal for articles on your topic, and search within a specific journal for keywords related to your topic.