Fisher students, faculty, and staff can still borrow books during the renovation, which begins January 2024.
You can use Lavery Library's Big Red Box and Worldcat to find books on your topic. Want help? Contact the librarians via our Research Help services, or reach out to the business librarian.
You can search the Library's book collection by using the link listed below, or from the Library homepage's Big Red Box. The Library has an extensive collection of ebooks in addition to our print collection.
You can search in the Big Red Box using keywords from your topic, an author's name, or an exact title.
To search beyond Lavery's Collection, you can use WorldCat, a book database that searches for books across many libraries.
You can access WorldCat from the Library's homepage, or use the link below.
This is an example of a search in WorldCat for diversity OR race AND management coaching.
You can select the title for any book to see if Lavery Library has it in our collections. If we don't you can use the "Request Item" option to make an interlibrary loan request.
Search for a book or video using the WorldCat. If we don't own it, select the Request Item button.
You can use these common subject terms or phrases to begin to find books in the Library:
The main call numbers for business-related books are: