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Instruction & Research Support at Lavery Library


Exploring a topic & planning ahead...


What information do I need to understand my topic?

  • Explore background information on the topic

What's my plan for gathering information?

  • Determine the scope of an information need and refine the topic
  • Identify who might produce authoritative information on the topic


What information do I need to understand my topic?

  • Investigate the evolution of the topic over time

What's my plan for gathering information?

  • Determine types of information sources relevant to the topic
  • Examine diverse viewpoints and underrepresented perspectives


What information do I need to understand my topic?

  • Identify possible gaps in existing research on a topic

What's my plan for gathering information?

  • Identify valid source types, including information packaged formally and informally
  • Articulate how traditional and emerging processes of creation and dissemination affect information sources in a discipline