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Strategically searching and retrieving information...


How will I develop my search strategy?

  • Create and revise an effective search statement using a variety of strategies

Where will I search?

  • Distinguish differences between various search platforms
  • Locate full text

How will I modify and track my search?

  • Document search and revision process


How will I develop my search strategy?

  • Use a  variety of techniques to retrieve information
  • Break down complex questions into simple ones to limit the scope of investigations

Where will I search?

  • Identify how information is organized in order to access relevant information
  • Use found sources to identify additional resources

How will I modify and track my search?

  • As new understanding develops, demonstrate mental flexibility to pursue alternate avenues, documenting additions and gaps


How will I develop my search strategy?

  • Use advanced techniques to retrieve information
  • Formulate new questions based on information gaps or conflicting information

Where will I search?

  • Resolve issues of access, or lack of access, related to information sources
  • Acknowledge the implications of content that is static or dynamic

How will I modify and track my search?

  • Persist and adapt search strategies, recognizing the role ambiguous information can play within the research process