The below lists of theories are organized by subject or discipline. It is by no means exhaustive, but is meant to serve as a starting point when selecting and researching possible theories. If you find a theory or two you are interested in exploring more fully, use the Next Steps link to start researching the historical foundations of the theory or theories using Lavery Library resources.
Caprer’s Patterns of Knowing
Benner’s Competency Model
Watson’s Caring Model
Pender’s Health Promotion Model
Orem’s Self-Care Theory
Roy’s Adaptation Model
King Conceptual System Theory of Goal Attainment
Neuman Systems Model
Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations
Swanson’s Theory of Caring
Systems Theory
Organizational Theory
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Role Theory
Critical Social Theory
Synergy Model
Transitional Care Model
Path-Goal Theory
Transformational Leadership Model
Authentic Leadership Model
Adaptive Leadership Model
Servant Leadership Theory
Lippett Phases of Change
Theory of Reasoned Action
Kotter's 8-Step Process of Change
Lewin's Change Theory
Prochaska & DiClemente Stages of Change
Campinha-Bacotre Model
Geiger & Davidhizr
Papdopoulos, Tilki, & Taylor Model
Leininger Culture Care Diversity/Universality Theory
Spector’s HEALTH Transitions Model
Advancing Research and Clinical Practice Through Close Collaboration (ARCC)
Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model (JHNEBP)
Iowa Model
Stetler Model
ACE Star Model
Production Possibility
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Calgary Model
Family Developmental Theory
Patient Family Centered Care Model
Health Belief Model
Theory of Planned Behavior
Integrated Behavior Model
Adult Learning Theory
Selye's Stress & Coping
Comfort Theory
Praxis Theory of Suffering
Attribution Theory
Leavell & Clark's Levels of Prevention Model
Maslach's Multidimensional Theory of Burnout
Theory of Unmet Needs
Standpoint Theory
Stress and Coping Perspective and Strain Theory