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Search Tips

There are a few ways to ensure that the articles in your results list are published in scholarly sources.

If the database you are searching has this capability, check the box to limit the results to Scholarly or Peer-Reviewed Journals.

See this example from SPORTDiscus:

Image of where to check the box to limit the results to Scholarly or Peer-Reviewed Journals.

Two more tips:

  • When using SPORTDiscus or other EBSCOhost databases, you can use the limiters on the results page. Select Scholarly Peer Reveiewed Journals in the Filters menu.
  • Whenever possible, try to exclude the source type Book Reviews.

Identify Scholarly Journals

Limiting to Scholarly Journals may still retrieve articles from sources that do not meet the professor's specifications for sources. If in doubt, consider the following:

  1. Visit Ulrichsweb and enter the publication name.
  2. In the results list, select the title of the publication.
  3. Look at the Document Type to see if it says Journal; Academic/Scholarly. You may also look to see if the publication is Refereed.

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