If you are teaching the course online, the librarian will work with you to add an advanced research lesson to your course. We have designed two modules aligned to the 3990 course learning outcomes and associated Fisher Outcomes.
Learning time is 50-65 minutes.
This module should happen within the first few weeks, and it will walk students through how to do background research for their topic, and search for a scholarly journal article on their topic. It also covers citation basics.
This module is especially important for transfer students because they will need to get a basic library orientation. For other students it will be a refresher of library information and research practices they learned in Research-Based Writing 1299.
Learning time is 20-30 minutes.
It should be timed for a week after students have already selected their topic, soon after they have begun actively searching for scholarly articles. Students will learn how to examine the references in an article in order to find additional sources and how to use Google Scholar for citation tracking.
For both online and seated sections, the learning objectives are the same.
By the end of the library modules, students will be able to: