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HNRS 2358 Environmental Racism

Guide with links and resources for students in HNRS2538 Environmental Racism, Fall 2021

Find More with the Big Red Box

If you see an article you like in the Big Red Box, check to see if there is are citation pathway buttons. These help you find available sources that cite this article, as well as sources this article cited:
Image of article in search results with a callout that says "Find Articles citing this" pointing to the citation pathway button for citing articles and a callout pointing to the citation pathyway button for cited articles

Find More with Related Articles Links

Some databases offer a link to find other articles similar to the one selected.  Look for a link that says - related articles, see similar documents, more like this, find similar results, related citations, etc.

Here's are a few examples of what to look for:

Discover Citing Works with Google Scholar

Copy and paste the title of a relevant article into Google Scholar's search box. When you see your article in the search result, click "Cited By" to see a list of citing articles:

If you see something of interest, click the "Get it @ Fisher" link to search Lavery's databases for full text: 

Screenshot of Google Scholar results with arrow pointing away from an article to a highlighted "Get it @ Fisher" link


Find More by Mining the Works Cited List

When you've found a really great article or book on your topic, remember to look at the list of references provided by the author.  Often there will be other books and articles in the list that you may want to find.  If you notice a particular article being referenced in several of your sources, you may have stumbled upon a seminal work on the topic.  It would be a good idea to track it down for your paper as well. Here's an example of an article title from a reference list that I might want to copy and paste into the Big Red Box:

benarjee article