Measuring journal impact offers insight into the reach of individual journal titles for a particular field of study. In the most basic terms, impact is journal impact looks at the number of articles published in a particular journal each year and citations to articles for the journal There are a number of tools used to measure impact, the information below will introduce you to a few of the common ways journals measure impact.
Common measurements for journal impact include Impact Factor, SciMAGO Journal Ranking, Eigenfactor, H Indexes, and CiteScore, explored below.
Note: Journal impact or journal rank is about the journal, not about articles published within that journal. For more information about "article-level" impact, refer to the Manuscript Impact page of this guide.
Most of the following tools used to rank journal impact are freely available online, and do not need to be accessed through the Databases A-Z list.
Ranked list of academic journals in business fields, provided by the Australian Business Deans Council
You are able to access minimal Journal Citation Reports (JCR) information in the database ProQuest Central. From inside ProQuest Central, select the Hamburger Menu to access Publications. Search for a publication by title or by subject.
The following resources are additional journal impact tools that require subscriptions and are available at area colleges.
Please visit these college or university library pages to learn how you can access these resources: