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Marketing Principles & Buyer Behavior

Searching for Articles

The Big Red Box

The Big Red Box searches across our library's databases and subscriptions. This is a good place to start your search.

Example Big Red Box search:


There are over 150 databases available at Lavery Library that you can use to search for articles and sources. The curated list below is a starting point for your research in marketing and consumer behavior.

These databases and resources will help you find sources from scholarly journals, popular magazines, and trade publications.

ProQuest Central

Example ProQuest Central Search

You can search for the terms MBA in one box, and the terms marketing OR choice OR recruitment in the second box. For each of these, you can select Abstract from the drop-down menu in order to narrow your search. This will bring you results for articles that feature these words in the abstract or summary.

You can select the publication date to further narrow your search.

Proquest central advanced search page.

Taylor & Francis

Example Taylor & Francis Search
Advanced Search

You can select Advanced Search to open more search options.

Taylor & Francis search page with the Advanced Search button circled

Search Strategy

You can select Keywords and enter MBA. Then, you can select Abstract and enter marketing OR recruit*. Using the asterisk will allow you to find results that include any word that begins with the letters recruit, including recruiting and recruitment. You can set Publication date range. Here, a Custom Date Range, 2016 to 2022, is selected.

Search boxes with the terms mba in the first box. Keywords is selected. In the second box the terms marketing OR recruit* appear, and the Abstract option is chosen. The Publication Date custom range is selected: 2016 to 2022.


Newspapers & Magazines

Search for news on your topic.


Find Articles and More in ABI/INFORM

You can use ProQuest's ABI/INFORM database to find:

  • articles published in scholarly journals
  • market and industry reports
  • articles from news sources, such as The Wall Street Journal
  • articles from industry- or trade-specific publications


Example search: ABI/Inform database

  • Search terms are "board of directors" AND (resignation OR turnover OR exit OR remov*) AND corporate governance
  • Limit to: Peer reviewed
  • Publication date: Last 5 years

Video Tutorials: How to Use ABI/INFORM

Learn the search basics for ABI/INFORM. This video has no narration.


More Lavery Library ABI/INFORM Tutorials: